Saturday, June 22, 2024

Malaise by Liz Flaherty

Huge sigh, here. I don't have anything worthwhile to say. It worries me when that happens because I'm afraid I'll never write a good essay again. And then I realize that good and worthwhile are subjective terms. My favorites haven't all been your favorites, and I've written a few that I was almost embarrassed to post, and you seemed to like them...or maybe you felt sorry for me. 

Part of my malaise has to do with things going on in politics and religion. In truth, most of it doesn't affect me anymore. My kids and most of my grandkids are grown and have chosen or are choosing their own paths. We do still have a 14-year-old grandson whose chosen path right now is soccer and hanging with his friends and I'm so good with that. 

It's because of him that I feel...malaisic (nope, not really a word, but I kind of like it.) I felt this way about my granddaughters when the politicians and SCOTUS judges decided they'd tell them exactly what they could do with their bodies even though they are educated adults fully capable of taking care of themselves. 

So now, because of a governor in Louisiana, I'm worried about the soccer player's religious training being on the walls of his classrooms. I like the 10 Commandments, I think they're an excellent set of rules. I probably didn't think a lot about them when I got my religious training--in Sunday School and at home and from copious reading and asking questions--but I grew to cherish them. 

I should add here that this is the same governor who turned down federal funds for summer food assistance for students; he feels there is a greater need for self-sufficiency than for feeding the hungry. 

He needs to post Matthew 25:35-40 on classroom walls. 

Living where we live, I don't expect this to be a favorite blog post. I think--gasp--most people's politics and religion differ from mine. This is great. Those are freedoms we have, even young women who can't choose what to do with their bodies and 14-year-old soccer players whose religion shouldn't be anyone's business but theirs. 

The fair is coming and so is the circus. Enjoy. Have a good week. Be nice to somebody. 


  1. AMEN!!!! (Bolded, Red, Underlined, and in the largest font possible!)

  2. You aren’t alone in your politics! It does seem like that sometimes though, huh? The fair IS coming and so is the circus! Hooray for Miami County!!

    1. Yeah, it feels that way sometimes. And yes, hooray for the fair and the circus.

  3. I like the word "malaisic" and will hold that one for future use. Wonderful possibilities! Malaisical, malaisically... like fishing in a boat on a pond during dog days of summer.
    Thanks Liz!

  4. You have nailed the crux of living in America. You can post how you're feeling and we all can decide if we agree or not. And both are okay. We'll find our way through regardless of which church we walk into or ballot we select. As long as we can agree we both have the right to voice our opinions. Thanks Liz!
