Saturday, June 29, 2024

Just Thinking

"It’s said that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. I have never searched for it. The rainbow itself brings riches enough." - Linda Leasure

Photo by Linda Leasure

I am reminded...

Life is a gift, and we don't always get to choose how it's wrapped.

Before I missed the people I've lost, I knew them, loved them, and valued them.

If I decide not to do something because I'm 73...well, I'm still 73, so I may as well go ahead. My 21st book will be out Monday even though I'm 73. Thank you. 

It's okay to cry over spilled milk. It was your milk and you wanted it.

No one likes you less if you can't maintain a healthy weight, if your hair color's wonky, or if your body parts don't work like they should. They might like you less if you don't like yourself. If you don't--like yourself, that is--that's something you need to work on.

Laughter really is the best medicine. If you don't believe me, check out Proverbs. 

Marriage isn't being in love every day. 

Having enough is having everything. 

You are enough, and if someone tries to convince you otherwise, they're flunking the relationship test really fast.

That there are things I know. 

Days only have 24 hours in them no matter how the politicians rearrange them.

A lie is a lie no matter what else you want to call it.

Regardless of how right you think you are, sometimes you're not.

Driving faster won't get you there before you run out of gas.

If you don't respect the person in the mirror, you probably won't respect anyone else, either.

Cheating is cheating is cheating. 

While your opinion of me is none of my business, I still care about it. Hardly seems fair, does it?

Because life isn't fair, but there's good in every day. We just have to find it. 

Have a great week. Be nice to somebody.  


  1. My favorite is "Having enough is having everything." Good thing to remember.

    1. I think it is, too, but I've only learned it in recent years. Thanks, Roseann.

  2. Lots of uplifting stuff here, Liz! Thank you for writing them down... Powerful reminders we all need at one time or another. Funny you mentioned hair... I just had my hair cut because i just couldn't go another day feeling like a little old lady. It had been years. Pre covid and it had been years before that since i had liked the results. My face is atill fat like tge rest of me but i feel better because fir the first time in a long time i like my hair better. I know it sounds silly and even though it really doesn't matter if other people like it or not, it's how it makes me feel re-energized. It would fit under taking care of yourself in tour post... We all do things in different ways and different irders. Thanks for the reminders. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us too.

    1. Thank you so much. I'm definitely with you on hair care--it can make a world of difference in how you feel!

  3. Lots of words of wisdom. Kudos on another book. Lots to think about. I especially like finding the good in every day. Thanks for making some of it so easy to locate!
