Saturday, November 18, 2023

On Giving by Liz Flaherty

I hope you have such a wonderful Thanksgiving this coming week. There are so many things going on! I started to list them here, along with stolen pictures, but there were too many. Go to this Facebook page and pick out some things to do!

Start with the Open House and keep going! There is music to be found, lessons to take, and pretty things to look at. There is food--it's the holidays; of course, there's food!--and friendship at every corner. 

Craft shows are happening every weekend and every swing choir around does wonderful shows. 

I love the holidays, however...

On the serious side of things, is this season a hard time for you? Loss, heartache, loneliness, and not feeling well are heavy burdens. Even if you are a loner, it's not a good time for that. It is a good time to be a joiner. If you're a believer, find a church--all their doors are open--and keep looking until you feel at home in a place of grace. If you're a helper, find places to volunteer. Join Extension Homemakers ((765) 472-1921) and support 4-H. If you're a giver, find where there is need. 

If you are the one in need, go to a food pantry or call 211 if you need direction to where to find help. St. Vincent de Paul's number is (765) 472-1855. Helping Hands number is (765) 472 - 1875. Area Five Agency on Aging & Community Services is at 661 E Main Street, Peru, IN. Their phone number is 765-472-0713. The number for WIC is 765-472-7714. If you have a baby and trouble meeting the financial demands, Birthright is 765-475-0706. 

As a north county resident (go, Warriors!), I have a huge soft spot for things that benefit our community. Amy Eckrote, who brilliantly and tirelessly heads up the Macy food pantry, shared this when I asked what the greatest needs were.

Frozen and canned meat is always a need. 
Toilet paper 
Things we take for granted!

But I won’t turn anything down that is donated. If I can’t use it, I will find someone that can! Make checks to Macy Community Boosters with Food Pantry in the memo and mail to me: Amy Eckrote, 14439 N 100 W, Macy, IN 46951

I have no doubt her list could be replicated by any administrator of any food pantry anywhere. Please feel free to share ideas and places that either need donations or are offering help to others. Please give.

What I've said here is just the beginning, but help is there if you need it. Do I make it sound too easy because I'm not the one in need? I don't mean to. I know asking for help can be hard. 

The other side of that? I know not judging people who seem always to be on the asking side can be hard, too. Being held responsible for what appears to be the poor choices of others gets wearing. 

None of us knows what it's like to walk in anyone else's shoes, but we all know what it's like when someone helps to make that walk more comfortable. 

Have a great week, a great holiday season. Be kind, be generous, be nice to somebody. 

Like last year, we're having Window Holidays starting the day after Thanksgiving. There will be a guest post every day through New Year's Eve. I hope you come by every day and make the visitors welcome. - Liz


  1. You've pretty much covered the range of the holiday spirit, Nan. :) I'm finding it a case of mixed emotions. The joy I feel as I anticipate loved ones coming home is exceptional. Sometimes in the next breath, I'll remember those who won't be around the table this year. I'm grateful that I can feel both emotions because I've had years where the grief overtook a lot of my days. Finding a way to help others always makes me feel closer to my mom, who made helping others her focus, with her "club ladies" (home ec club) and individually. I appreciate your reminder and the contact info.

    1. The holidays are a dance of emotions, aren't they? Wishing you happy ones, Cathy.

  2. Wishing you and yours the many blessings of this holiday season. Enjoy!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Liz & Duane!

    1. Thanks, Debby. Same to you and Alan! See you next week.

  4. Wonderful comfort and wisdom, Liz. Thanks!

    1. Thanks, CurtissAnn. Wishing you a great holiday season.
