Saturday, September 21, 2024

Layers and Loss by Liz Flaherty

I have nothing good to say today. I'm discovering, even at this age, that it's the little things that get me; I seem to cope better with the big ones. But our 20-year-old cat, Gabe, has disappeared, frightened by stray dogs who won't be deterred. Signs have disappeared from our yard, too, leaving me resentful that people have the right to free speech urging others to f*** whomever they hate in the moment on signs and flags everywhere or fly swastikas from their flagpoles, but if we have candidates' names on signs that are on our own property, someone is frightened enough by them that they trespass in order to steal them. I am discouraged by these little things. I am angry. I miss our cat. I miss feeling at home in the community where I've spent my whole life.

Until this morning, I didn't remember feeling this way before, but when I was looking for something to repeat-post, I found this. I guess what goes around comes around, and here I am again. If you're in this place, too, I urge you to wallow in it for a while (like I am and did four years ago, too) and then get over it and go on. Have a good week. Be nice to somebody.

There's been a lot grief in 2020--we all know that. A lot of loss. But it's September now, with cool nights and breezes that sift into your hair and make you smell apples and leaves and bonfires.

It is, I know, a dying, decaying time as the earth prepares for winter, but the bean fields are golden, as are the corn tassels and some of the trees and the quick shimmer of the sun on the river. The colors that begin to emerge in September are bright and burnished and hopeful. 

There are golden sounds, too. Performers sharing their music both digitally and--where there's space--in person. The bleachers at junior high and high school football games. 

I should have finished writing this when I started it on Friday morning, but I didn't. I had other things I needed to do...and now Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died. For many of us, the colors have dimmed. Rest in power, Your Honor, and thank you. 

But this time of year is also about layers. On Tuesday I went to a meeting at ten in the morning, wearing my third shirt of the day. I started hopefully (and foolishly) in a tank top, changed to a sweatshirt, and by the time I went to the meeting, was in short sleeves--with a hoodie in the car because you just never know. Last night when we went to dinner, Duane wore shorts--and a golf sweater. 

School's back in session. Football's being played. But the layers are uneven these days, because caution changes things. Disagreement, almost the only constant in these change-of-season layers, makes the edges of the tiers rough-edged and sharp. 

I can't seem to come to a good place this morning, and I'm sorry. If you have good news, I hope you'll share it. 

Have a good week. I hope you see bright colors and find kindness in the layers. Stay safe. Be nice to somebody. 


  1. Sigh. So with you... but Michigan is coming.

  2. I hope Gabe shows up, and is safe. We don't put signs in our yard, partly because our HOA discourages them, partly because I don't want to invite others into my yard to steal them. It's sad that people can't seem to respect the opinions of others.

    1. We didn't until 2020. The sign was left alone and I assumed it would still be the same this year. But it's not the same at all. Nothing is. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. The world is coming ruder and less compassionate every day. I hope Gabe shows up but he may have wanted to spare you seeing his demise. Sending you a hug. Seems like you need one.

  4. I made myself physically ill with worry and stress in 2020 over the election. I am not going there this time. I just hope and pray that the side that actually cares about all people, doesn't spread the hate and division of others wins. if not, I hate to use anything of Trumps, but we won't have a nation, a country, like we used to have. I find it very telling that some of them are actually referring to themselves as NAZI's. They definitely fit the definition. Voting for the good of the people and the country.. FOR HOPE

    1. I'm very close to that this time, even more than in 2020, because I'm so afraid of what he's going to do and of the hate they're spreading and people are latching onto like it's a new toy. But, yeah, hope. Thank you!

  5. I'm so sorry about your kitty. We lost ours two years ago this Christmas, but I still miss her all the time. For a positive--I took part in a FB giveaway this weekend and numerous readers came back, after it was over, to thank us and say they had a good time. I found that heartwarming. I hope Gabe shows up!

    1. Thanks, Mary. I'm glad the FB party went well. They can be such fun, can't they?
