Saturday, May 18, 2024

It's Saturday Morning... by Liz Flaherty

Yes, it is Saturday morning. Mist is lying soft on the ground and the fields are wearing their springtime clothes. It's been a good week. I've had time with friends, time with kids, working time, and time with the guy in the other recliner. Last week, I even had a 13-hour day as a poll worker, working with people I'd either not known before or seldom see. 

I've been to church, waved at my family's plot in the cemetery, run the weed-eater and trimmed the cats in short time increments that didn't do much for either situation I was trying to improve. I baked a pan of brownies that came out hard as the proverbial rock for no discernible reason other than I used my grandmother's pan and as I remember it, she didn't like to bake. 

I have realized, not for the first time, how lucky I am to never be bored. And I've realized something else, that even though days go way too fast in retirement, time is its most precious commodity. I complain sometimes, when the week starts, that I have to be somewhere or do something every single day, and then I have a great time with both the going and the doing. Maybe the only bad part of it is my complaining. Hmm...

Grandkids grow up overnight, and loss is an unavoidable part of things as we go on, but, oh, the good things that happen in this time! Have you seen the pictures of graduates in caps and gowns, the busloads of younger ones on end-of-year field trips, felt the energy of May altogether? The baseball parks are alive with crowds of people who share the love not only of "America's pastime," but love of the ones on the field and in the dugout. Have you seen--or joined--the lines at the ice cream stand windows?

Have you thought, in these times of undeniable strife and division, not of how you can get through another day of it, but how you can make things better?


My new publisher, Annessa Ink, posted a what do you think? choice of covers for Pieces of Blue, my next book, on Facebook. I know what my opinion is, but I'd like to hear yours. Which of the three posted below do you like best? Even better, why do you like it? Please leave your answer in comments or let me know however you like. I'm looking forward to seeing what you think. 

Thanks for voting and for reading. Have a good week--enjoy your time. Be nice to somebody.


  1. Casting my vote for the one in the middle: Less cluttered, and your name stands out more.

  2. #3 has a font that's more appealing to senior English teacher said "Only odious people are bored." I have lots of interests too so retirement from my first career is flying by.

  3. I'm glad I'm too late to vote. I kinda liked all of them. Thanks for the column. I've been seeing studies lately that verify that helping others tends to make the helper feel better about life. Hubby and I are in the middle of an insane downsizing move, and I'm feeling too self-focused these days. I need to go be a "good deed doer" sometime this week. (Those biweekly trips to Greendrop don't count!)

    1. I think that's right, that it makes you feel better. And sometimes I fall behind!
