Tuesday, May 7, 2019

A Different Feeling by Joe DeRozier

You get a whole different feeling when someone mentions her name, don't you?
I talk a lot about Dad. Maybe because I feel my life has been a series of failed attempts to be like him..... but Dad couldn't have been Dad.....without Mom.
"Mom" IS her name. Isn't weird when someone calls her by her first name?
Mom and Dad together are a formidable team.
While Dad's status as Exalted Grand King Poo Bah was never in question, Mom was the Radar O'Reilly of the home. Dad may have been President, but Mom was the Congress and the Senate...except she wasn't lazy and corrupt...but you understand.
Dad didn't anger often, but when he did, Mom was the only one that could calm him. Had she done it the same way, each time, we kids would have caught on. I suppose it depended why he was mad...but Mom always knew how to disarm him.
Mom never got mad...well, not screaming mad...more Clint Eastwood mad. Quiet, and looked you in the eyes..."Do you feel lucky? Well, do you, punk?" kind of mad...
When Dad disciplined us, he could get a little crazy.
Dad: Joey, you're late, again! You're grounded until you're 75.
Me: (maintain silence...don't poke the bear!)
After an hour or so, Mom came to the room and let me know it was for a week. I just had to let her work her magic.
When Dad didn't feel we did a good job, he redid it. We knew it. He left traces of evidence showing that we dropped the ball.
Mom did the same thing, but left no evidence... I noticed, though.
Mom is an observer. I don't remember her teaching us to be like that, or maybe I'm more like Mom than I know, but I would notice that the carpet was vacuumed a different way, or the cushions were set up differently. Then the question was, did she REALLY not want me to know she redid my job, did she REALLY want me to know, or did she REALLY want to see if I was observant enough to figure it out?
While we were growing up, Mom was an early riser. I'd get up at five am, and she was already up doing exercises. She was the last one in bed.
Her profession was nursing. She went back to it once we kids were older. Though nurses were just starting to wear scrubs, Mom insisted on wearing her nurse's uniform. I was really proud of that. That was cool.
Mom broke her back at work...twice. She has had approximately six million surgeries and most of her body parts are not original. She should have died a few times, but I fully believe her will to take care of Dad always kept her with us.
Moms, for those of us born so long ago, always took a back seat to Dad...but Dad could have never been Dad...without Mom.

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