I don't remember when this was. It was in the early days of the Window, after Tony Hare had taken my picture for the paper. What a nice guy he was. So, anyway, sometime in the early 90s, I think. The times have done some changing since then, but...you know, not everything. I've updated this some, subtracted a few things that were too dated to make sense and added a few.
I had to add something here, too, a category of heroes that is new on my Top Ten list. There are a lot of heroes who clean up the devastation left by disasters--both natural and human-made. I can't imagine walking into one of those places where children were harmed by wanton violence. I can't imagine being a nurse or a doctor trying to save those young lives and not being able to. My thanks to them for doing what they do, and my everlasting admiration.
There are words that just go together, you know. Bacon and eggs, peanut butter and jelly, his and hers. I've noticed as I've aged that heroes and heartache are that way, too.
I miss heroes. I had them as a kid. They were just the regular ones (remember, this was the 1950s--regular was different then. - Liz, 2017) They were, to my unjaded eyes, a cut above. They had an intelligence and a manner of using it that was beyond my admittedly limited understanding. Some of them grew up poor, as I had, and made me think that I could accomplish things like they did. I wanted to be famous like the, rich like them, and admired like them.
I wanted to shake the dust of Indiana cornfields from my shoes and go on to higher, better, less confining places. I sneered at the names of where we are: the Corn Belt, the Bible Belt, the Crossroads of America. Get real. The only thing that happens at crossroads is that people turn or they keep on going, because either way, there's nothing there.
I saw myself living in a city, writing books, and wearing dress-for-success suits for lunches with my publisher. As I strode up the city sidewalks with a free, long-legged gait, people would turn as they recognized me and I would smile at them, a smile that promised that they, too, could be like my heroes and, subsequently, like me.
Well, I grew up some. And I did what we Bible Belters do. I have a family, a house in the country, and a job I like most of the time. The cornfield dust is firmly attached to both my shoes and my heart. My legs remained short and I don't have any suits--although there is this one pair of black pants I wear to funerals and other events where yoga pants don't look quite right.
As I grew up, however, my heroes didn't. They developed feet of clay. The presidents I admired were less than admirable. The astronauts were just ordinary people with extraordinary jobs. The musicians whose music I loved seemed always to be surrounded by controversy and drugs and things clandestine that lowered them from the pedestals of heroism.
Yeah, you bet I miss them. That particular Top Ten list was something I wanted to pass on my kids, but something happened along the way. I think the kids all found their own heroes, and that's a good thing, because there weren't all that many left on my list to pass down.
But, you know, I have a new list.
One Christmastime, a woman came into the post office where I was working to mail two large parcels to her family in the South. They wouldn't have a Christmas if she didn't, she explained. But she only had enough money to send one of the parcels the slowest, cheapest way. Planning to go borrow money and come back, she left, leaving both parcels in my custody. The man who had stood behind her in line very quietly paid to mail both parcels at the fast Priority Mail rate. He wouldn't leave his name.
There are teachers known by all of us who, when they see their kids in need, dip into their own pockets to provide. There are Little League parents who pay entry fees for children whose parents can't, who give rides to players without them, and who buy a whole bunch of stuff they neither need nor want because it helps the league. There are coaches who cover expenses not in their contracts, store clerks who keep change in their pockets for customers who don't have quite enough, and people who volunteer and volunteer and volunteer some more.
There is a man with whom I graduated from high school who pulled people from a burning car. People who take care of animals in need. People and agencies who work behind the scenes to fulfill the needs of those who fall between society's ever widening cracks.
There are people who attend meetings of boards and councils whose purposes affect us all and stand firm and tall for what they believe to be right and the best thing for everyone--not just a chosen few.
None of these people will ever be presidents, astronauts, or famous musicians. They might never live in the city and their shoes are probably dusty in the summer. Because they have chosen to stay at the crossroads and light the way for others who have chosen to turn or go on. They are the ones who make the path a little smoother and the world a little kinder.
But are they heroes? Oh, yes.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
Turkey, joy, and a small glass of beer
Quite honestly, I'm not sure when I wrote this, so if you've read it too recently to like reading it again, my apologies. The greatest gifts...the greatest reasons for thanksgiving...are the people in our lives, and I'm so grateful for Aunt Nellie. She gave more richness to my life than I can ever explain.
“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” ― Marcel Proust
My mother’s side of the family were all teetotalers, but when my brother-in-law asked Aunt Nellie if she’d like a beer, she said, Yes, she wouldn’t mind a small glass. I don’t know that she ever drank beer again, but she did indeed enjoy every drop of that “small glass.” Where Aunt Nellie was, there was always laughter.
We used to go to her house for Thanksgiving. I’m not sure how many of us were
there. It seemed like dozens at the time, but the number was probably closer to
25. She lived in a pretty little Cape Cod house on a pretty little street in
Goshen, Indiana, and she had...oh, even in memory, it thrills me...she had a
step stool you could sit on and the steps pushed out in front! She also had a
finished basement with its own kitchen! In the living room part of
the basement, there was a cabinet Victrola with a stack of records. They were
tinny and scratchy and it was hard to get them going the right speed with the
crank, but there was such safety lying on the rug listening to Bing Crosby and
Dinah Shore.
Even though I grew up on a small farm, the only time we ever had turkey was on
Thanksgiving. I’m pretty sure I ate my weight in it every year. I loved eating
whatever I wanted and never having to touch the red stuff that slid out of the
Ocean Spray can. The dessert table was impressive, to say the least, and it was
pretty much stripped by the end of the day. Even then, leftovers went home with
each family, and the feeling of fullness and warmth would go on with turkey and
noodles the next day.
I imagine being poor was a key player in my satisfaction with Thanksgiving, but
that’s really neither here nor there. What matters are the memories and the
lessons Aunt Nellie left behind. She was somewhere in her 80s when she died.
She’d been packing for a trip to Grand Rapids with friends when she passed
away. Grief created a hard, empty place in my chest at the loss, and I just
knew I’d never get over it. However, at the funeral the officiating pastor
mentioned her preparing for her trip and said she’d been just as ready to go to
heaven as she’d been to go to Grand Rapids. My grandmother, who’d loved her
younger sister even more than we did, said she thought if she’d had her choice,
Aunt Nellie would rather have gone to Grand Rapids. Laughter softened the
grief and added one more rung to the memory ladder.

Nellie was one of the first people I thought of when I became a Harlequin Heartwarming
author. She’d have loved the line’s premise, its joy and sense of family and
its humor. She'd have also told everyone at the beauty shop all about her
niece, the author. Knowing that reminds me again of how lucky I was to have
Thanksgiving to all. If you have that small glass of beer, be sure to enjoy
every drop.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
...friends are friends forever...
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Zak II |
Bradley A. McClain, a local funeral director, posted this on Facebook. After I got done sniffling about it, I asked him if I could use it here, because we all need some help from our friends sometimes.
Enjoy, and thanks, Brad.
This is Zak II. He is
old, smelly, has two teeth, and is about the pickiest eater ever. He came to me from a
rescue shelter after he was taken from a home with 108 dogs. He was number
47. His back leg was broken at some point and it healed crooked, so when he
runs, he has to hop to make his back end keep up with the front. He has a
fistula in his mouth that runs up to his nose which makes him whistle if he
sleeps on his left side...which is absolutely impossible to sleep next to.
He is the most lovable
old man dog I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He's stubborn and
annoying, especially when another animal has one of his toys. He prefers to
only do his number two at the office yard, so I sometimes have to drive him 8.7
miles to go. Of course, this is because he's figured out this is an absolute
certain method of manipulation to get to go for a car ride―with the heated seat
turned on.
He loves almost
everybody at work and likes to snuggle with people that are having a bad day.
At least until the dreaded "brown man" shows up at the door, and he
turns all rabid-Rottweiler on the UPS guy, wanting to shred his legs and make
sure that he never terrorizes our place of business again. We really don't know
why he hates the UPS man, but it's something he is absolutely dedicated to in
his beliefs.
When I get up to go to
the bathroom in the night, he steals my warm spot and all my pillows and
burrows down in an effort to hide himself in the warmth. He usually wins and I
go to his side of the bed to not disturb his happiness. He sleeps all night in the
same position, and doesn't get out of bed until after I've showered and put my
socks on, enjoying each second of blessed rest before absolutely having to
extract himself from the comforts of his queen size bed, which he allows me a
portion of most nights.
He flirts with all the
drive-through servers in town, with an extraordinary ability to get a free
small French fry or chicken nugget. The bank tellers know him by name, and he
expects that drawer to contain a biscuit when it returns my deposit slip. He
has made friends with several other delivery persons, one of whom even has a
special bag of soft treats for his toothless self to enjoy. He has trained the
humans at the office to feed him with a fork―it's easier for him than sliding a
plate all over trying to pick up food without his choppers. He is devastated
when dinner arrives via take out and there is nothing for him in the bag.
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Zak II and Brad |
He is old, he has his
issues, but I couldn't love any bag of fleas any more than this mongrel. He's
faithful and steady in his friendship, and when I've had an emotional day, he
knows just how to snuggle to make things better. His best friend is the cat
that snuggles up to him nightly and gives him a good bath around two am. He
catches the "slow" squirrel in front of my house every couple of
weeks, licks his face, and lets him go.
Tonight, I lay here
snuggling with the old mutt and thinking how thankful I am for his loyalty, his
friendship, his forgiveness, and his love. I should probably take a few lessons
from him, as he is a great example of how man should live. Try to love
unconditionally, forgive and let go when necessary, remove and drive away the
toxic people in your life so that you can be happier. Enjoy the simple
blessings (like car rides and treats), rise above your afflictions, and move on
from past struggles. Know when you need the care of others and when to snuggle
and love those who are broken. Rest as needed, share (well, everything but
special toys), and do everything faithfully and with conviction.
Lessons from Zak II.
Friday, November 3, 2017
'Twas the month before Christmas...
I wrote this in 1994 at Christmastime, when I believe I was feeling disgruntled. Not much has changed since then--about me, anyway--although the microwave's built in so I can't lose things behind it and now we have 40 years of stuff accumulated at our house instead of 17. I'm using this column here kind of early so you can get a jump on things and not do them the way I do. I haven't started yet, in case you're wondering, unless I can count this as a start...
There are people out there who have their Christmas shopping done. They are the same ones who bought all their wrapping paper, Christmas cards, bows, and tinsel last December 26.
They also keep all their Christmas shopping receipts in a separate place, like a little green and red folder, and they know at all times where that folder is located. If they have real Christmas trees, they remember to water them every day and they take them out of the house before all the needles fall off and embed themselves in the carpet.These people's tree ornaments match each other. The ethereal angels or brilliant stars they use do not cause the trees to lean drunkenly. There are never full strings of non-working lights on the trees and the lights all twinkle at the same speed or they chase each other merrily around the branches.
Their Christmas cookies and candy are made and frozen well ahead of time and they have plenty of decorative tins and baskets on hand so that all they have to do is add a pretty handmade bow and they have an instant gift for the unexpected guest.
I decided many years ago, on a Christmas Eve when I was sewing the last ruffles
on my daughter's Christmas dress at two o'clock on Christmas morning before she and her brothers rolled out at five, that when I grew up, I was going to be one of the people I've been talking about.
My first step in that direction was to buy wrapping paper the day after Christmas for the following year. Then we moved to a different house. It just seemed foolish when we were already moving 10 times as much stuff out of the old house as we moved into it to also move 12 rolls of paper and 50 bows, so I gave them away instead of moving them. Then, two weeks later, I went out and bought all new because we moved in November, for heaven's sake. (Moving is not good for one's thought processes. While I did not move the wrapping paper, I did move several boxes that remain unopened in the attic 17 years later.)
Lynn with the cold heart |
My next organizational move was to buy and address Christmas cards as soon as they hit the shelves, which was somewhere along about July. I even addressed them in green ink to make them look properly Christmas-like. Then I proceeded to lose them, along with the complete list of addresses I'd called all over the country to compile.
My sister-in-law Lynn, bless her cold little heart, found them long after Christmas had passed, nestled behind the microwave oven. Fifteen years later, I'm still telling her it's none of her business how often I clean behind my appliances. Or if I do.
Then there's shopping.
Occasionally, I start it in August. More often, I start in October and now and then in November. I've discovered that it doesn't matter when I start Christmas shopping, I finish it on Christmas Eve. Last year my husband and I were only two of the 3000 people in Walmart at 11 o'clock on Christmas Eve morning and we decided we would never, neverdo such a foolish thing again.
At least until this year.
Because, all advice I've given freely and unasked to people not withstanding, I've given up.
What it amounts to is, at least as far as Christmas is concerned, I am like Peter Pan: I won't grow up.
I hope you won't, either. I hope you have fun shopping and wrapping and decorating. And don't forget the giving. It's the very best part of it all.
Till next time.
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